So I looked for this online and found the folder to download on a Git repository ( ). The status window indicates that the prog_emmc_firehose_8953_ddr.mbn file is missing and is trying to load from the BOOT.BF.3.3 folder, which clearly is not present. I then downloaded the latest firmware from the official page and unpacked the archive, where I found the contents.xml file which I then uploaded to QFIL. The software starts and reveals the Qualcomm HS-USB Diagnostics 900E (COM3) interface and asks me to load the contents.xml file of the programmer.
I realized that the only way to resurrect it is to use Qualcomm Flash Image Loader (QFIL) by loading the original firmware. I had the brilliant idea to try to re-lock the bootloader after installing a custom ROM, now my Acquaris X Pro is bricked.